What’s In My Bag

Mini ‘Wonderstruck’ by Taylor Swift Perfume

All the folks who know me are rolling their eyes ‘of course’ at this one! Despite the fact that I would buy this whether I liked the scent or not simply because it’s from TSwift, this is my favorite perfume! I own the full size for home, and I LOVE this perfect little travel size for on the go! A sweet mixture of florals and fruits are always my top pick in scents and this particular one is just that!

My favorite Mini Lotion, ‘Velvet Sugar’ from Bath & Body Works

I have crazy dry and sensitive skin, and tend to stick to the non-scented moistrurizing skin care products, but the aroma of Bath & Body Works often gets the best of me when this little guy is in season! I’m not big on heavy scented lotion, so this soft, sweet smelling lotion is a perfect fit! With notes of fresh strawberry & pear blossom, not to mention that it’s infused with shea butter, this lotion is in my top favorites!

theBalm Liquid lip balm

Since I have lipstick on about 24 hours a day, I need my lips to stay moisturized! The neat thing about this lip balm, is that it glides on like a gloss instead of chap stick! While doing my makeup in the morning, I swipe a thin layer on so that it has time to soften and fade in color but keep my lips moisturized before putting my lipstick on right as I walk out the door! That way when I need to re-apply lipstick during the day, the new coat of lipstick still holds the color pigment you want and doesn’t start to get fuzzy around the edges or creep into the dry area of your lips! (Don’t you hate that?) I keep this in my bag just in case my planned 4 hour day turns into a 12 or 15 hour day and I need a quick touch up!

My Sunnies

I’ve had these beauts so long that I don’t even remember when or where I bought them! Every time I buy a new pair of shades, I always end up going back to this oldie but goodie. Say hello to my year round faves!

A Pretty Note Pad

Doesn’t every girl with a busy schedule and big dreams need one? I have note taking apps on my phone and a notepad on my laptop for thoughts, plans and grocery lists, but I’m old school about writing things down when something pops in my head!

Milani Lipstick in my go-to shade

This girl owns nearly every shade of lipstick that Milani has to offer, and having a great goes-with-nearly-everything lipstick is gold! Shade 12 Flamingo Rose is one of front runner lippies that leans on more of a coral hue when worn with a red top or dress, and pulls more fushcia when worn with a bright or blush pink blouse! The shade that goes with everything, ladies & gents!

Strawberry Hard Candies

Addiction to popping one of these sweet treats in my mouth about 5 times day, courtesy of my husband! 😉 I swear he never ceases to introduce me to yummy new desserts and candies I never knew I loved!

My bag: Crossbody purse by Christian Siriano for Payless

Be prepared for consistent ravings about my favorite designers, certainly including Christian Siriano! From his Payless Line, I own 4 handbags, 2 wallets, and 4 pairs of shoes. I only dream about owning his couture pieces and gush over his latest runway masterpieces as I scroll through my Pinterest feed. I really admire a designer that dips their toes into all markets, and price points of the industry! Black and gold is so chic-ly modern yet a timeless classic and he really creates the perfect balance of that in his designs!

The Details:

Mini ‘Wonderstruck’ by Taylor Swift Perfume

Full Size Bottle: http://www.amazon.com/Taylor-Swift-Womens-Wonderstruck-Parfum/dp/B005LN670S Mini Size Bottle: http://www.amazon.com/Wonderstruck-Taylor-Swift-1-0-Ounce/dp/B005QTQSVA/ref=pd_sbs_bt_4?ie=UTF8&refRID=0M0PHJX1NQYBZE3X9FVM

Velvet Sugar lotion from Bath & Body Works

Full Size Bottle: http://www.bathandbodyworks.com/product/index.jsp?productId=23473046&cm_mmc=GooglePLA-_-Paid%20Search-_-Shopping%20-%20Bath%20and%20Body_Body%20Lotion-_-Body%20Lotion_&network=g&device=c&creative=58448836333&matchtype=&adpos=1o2&gclid=CjwKEAiAyMCnBRDa0Pyex-qswB0SJADKNMKAkmhaKncZWZl3YiWWVwXnW4a2CKfd9JV5Tb89HFhTUhoCTcXw_wcB

Mini Size Bottle: http://www.bathandbodyworks.com/product/index.jsp?productId=28916366&cm_mmc=GooglePLA-_-Paid%20Search-_-Shopping%20-%20Bath%20and%20Body_Body%20Lotion-_-Body%20Lotion_&network=g&device=c&creative=58448836333&matchtype=&adpos=1o3&gclid=CjwKEAiAyMCnBRDa0Pyex-qswB0SJADKNMKA9ObYYKjemdQvcdTOktxtQ9iV31PyN5JpK3BxHxirLhoCIGXw_wcB

theBalm Liquid lip balm

Best Deal with Rewards: https://www.birchbox.com/shop/thebalm-cosmetics-read-my-lips-lip-gloss

Best Price: http://www.6pm.com/thebalm-read-my-lips-ka-bang-shimmery-bronze?zhlfid=139&kpid=34157410&kpid=34157410

Strawberry Hard Candies


Christian Siriano for Payless Shoesource

For all CS Payless Products: http://www.payless.com/christian-siriano/

My crossbody featured in this image is no longer available, but a very similar style is! Check it out at  http://www.payless.com/womens-piper-crossbody/75314.html?dwvar_75314_color=leopard#start=30

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